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Training Opportunities

Each summer, a range of options for professional growth are available. Although strongly recommended, participation is absolutely optional. When taking part in summer professional development programs, cadets are provided with lodging and meals, as well as financial assistance with travel costs. The Director of Army Officer Education establishes an order of merit list for the purpose of selecting students for schools with limited allocations. Academic performance, performance in Military Science electives, physical fitness, involvement in ROTC events during the academic year, and overall performance evaluations by Army ROTC cadre will all be taken into consideration when compiling this list.


Air Assault School


The US Army Air Assault School is available to Army ROTC contracted students at a variety of Army bases. This 12-day, physically taxing course prepares soldiers to perform military operations with assistance from Army Aviation. The school involves instruction on creating and evaluating external sling loads, rappelling from helicopters, and a 12-mile timed road march while wearing full combat gear, in addition to a demanding physical training program.


Graduated cadets receive the American Army Air Assault Badge. Regardless of the officer's future Branch or assignment selections, Air Assault School advances their professional development. Officers assigned to the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) are required to have Air Assault certification, and those assigned to the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division are strongly urged to do so as well.

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Project Go


Project GO is a nationwide program open to all qualified ROTC students offering fully-funded opportunities in critical language education, overseas study, and cross-cultural experience.


Through Project GO, future military officers develop linguistic and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership for all Services in the 21st century operational environment. Since 2007, Project GO has provided approximately 6,500 students with opportunities to study culture and 19 languages, both domestically and abroad in 33 countries around the world.


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Airborne School


The Basic Airborne Course is held at Fort Benning, Georgia and is a three-week program designed to screen Airborne candidates for physical and mental fitness as well as ease the trainees into the process of learning how to perform parachute jumps and related procedures.

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Cadets who wish to participate in any internship must meet application requirements, submit an application packet and receive approval. Only Cadets approved by their professor of military science and meeting all application requirements at the time of application will be considered for internships. Internship applications are specialized to each program offered. Timelines for submission may very for some internships.


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Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) 


In the summer between their junior and senior years, cadets can enroll in CTLT. Cadets have a rare opportunity to experience what it's like to work as an active duty Second Lieutenant through CTLT. Cadets are appointed to Second Lieutenant positions in the active army for a three-week term (four weeks for OCONUS assignments), typically as platoon leaders, and are expected to guide soldiers in completing unit missions. 


For cadets preparing to be commissioned as Second Lieutenants, this on-the-job training may be the most useful and fulfilling leadership experience possible. In the "real life" setting of the unit, CTLT cadets engage with the unit commander, junior officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldiers. Allocations determine who is assigned to which units or locations. Cadets are paid while taking part in CTLT in addition to receiving housing and board and compensation for travel costs.

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