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College Students


Campus-Based Scholarships


Campus based scholarships are available to qualified students who were not offered or did not apply for the High School ROTC Scholarship or the Green to Gold program. These scholarships are limited and may range in length from 2-4 years. Scholarships pay for full tuition and mandatory fees, for both resident and non-resident students. Scholarship awardees also receive a book allowance and a tax-free monthly stipend to defray the cost of living. 


If you are selected for a ROTC Scholarship, you are required to:


  • Sign a contract with the Secretary of the Army.

  • Attend Cadet Summer Training (CST).

  • Accept a Commission to serve in the Army on Active Duty, in the Army National Guard, or in the Army Reserves upon degree completion.


Serve in the military for a period of 8 years. This may be fulfilled by one of the following:​​


  • Serve 8 years in drill status (one weekend a month and two weeks a year for training) the Army National Guard or Army Reserves, that includes a 3-6 month active duty term for initial training.

  • Serving active duty, if selected, for 4 years followed by 4 years of service in the Army National Guard, Army Reserves, or Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR). You may elect to serve on Active Duty longer, but only the first 4 are required. Terms of obligation begin at the time of commissioning.


Basic Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a U.S. Citizen.

  • Must be under 31 years of age by December 31 of the year you will graduate from college.

  • Must have four or more academic semesters remaining for a baccalaureate degree upon enrollment. Students seeking a master’s degree must have four academic semesters remaining and must have Army ROTC Basic Course credit (contact the ROTC department the spring before you begin your program).

  • Have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

  • Have a satisfactory explanation for any record of arrest and/or civil conviction.

  • Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States.


What is my commitment?


  • Enrolling in the ROTC Basic Course (the first two years of college) does not obligate you to serve unless you receive a scholarship.


  • If you received a four-year ROTC scholarship, you must agree to serve four years full-time as an Army Officer after you graduate and then either extend your contract for four more years or serve four more years with the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) where you’ll return to civilian life but need to be ready to help in a national emergency. If you received ROTC scholarships, you will potentially have a four-year full-time or eight-year part-time contract.


Current  St. John Students

If you are interested in joining the Red Storm Battalion, please so get in contact with us so we can answer any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to the Red Storm Battalion. Email us at or or call 718.990.2745 or 718.954.4080.


What should I consider before transferring?

Some questions to consider:


  • Have you worked with your advisers to complete the change of campus process?

  • Are you on track to meet the entrance to major requirements for your chosen program?

  • When is your projected graduation date?


How does ROTC affect my schedule?


There are two parts to the ROTC classes. You will participate in an academic class, as well as in an associated three-hour lab period. All classes take place on Wednesdays as to not interfere with your regular academic schedule.


Non St. John's Students

Current ROTC Cadets at Other Universities


Here are some questions to consider. Once you have addressed these questions on your own, please contact us.


  • Have you spoken to your Cadre about your desire to transfer?

  • Are you currently contracted? Do you have a scholarship?  If so, did your scholarship come through the National High School process or was it campus based?

  • Are you currently in good standing with your Battalion/University? (GPA, APFT/ACFT, Waivers, Good Conduct, etc.)

  • Please provide the following: Current Academic GPA, ROTC GPA, Most Recent APFT/ACFT Score, Copy of most recent ROTC counseling (if available).

  • Do you have any outstanding waivers of ANY KIND (medical, academic, civil conviction, etc.)?

  • What are your reasons for requesting a transfer to St.John's?

  • Have you applied to St.John's for admission? What is your academic major? Have you changed your major since contracting?

  • If you have applied to St.John's and been granted entry, are you still academically aligned with your current class?  When is your projected graduation/commissioning date?


Non-ROTC Cadets at Other Universities

Here are some questions to consider. Once you have addressed these questions on your own, please contact us.


  • What are your reasons for requesting a transfer to St.John's?

  • Have you applied to St.John's for admission? What is your academic major? Have you changed your major at any point?

  • If you have applied to St.John's and been granted entry, are you still academically aligned with your current class? What is your projected graduation date?




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